We acknowledge the Gadigal of the Eora Nation, the traditional custodians of the Country on which the Art Gallery of New South Wales stands.

Annette Wilson Entropy suite

Work by Annette Wilson
Work by Annette Wilson
Work by Annette Wilson

Literal movements of a cluster of ballerinas become musical movements in the composition of the life cycle. This suite is far from sweet, as it maps the entropy process – the running down and subsequent running out of energy. From exhiliration to exhaustion, this emotional wave of dynamics will inevitably wash over any who attempt to flee from its stronghold. With the newset additions to the collection of failed escapees centred, Entropy laughs cruelly to himself, and whispers to the ocean of quietly drifting ballerinas, ‘Fools,’ says he, ‘you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows.’


Penrith High School



HSC year